讘专讜讱 讛讘讗 讗讜专讞, 讛专砖诐 讗讜 讛转讞讘专

Nifla_Po 讻转讘/讛 讘住讟讟讜住讬诐 诪讟讜讜讬讟专 诇驻谞讬 5 砖谞讬诐:

馃幎imagine all the people, minding their own business, you
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one 馃幎

住讟讟讜住 讝讛 讬讜讘讗 诪讟讜讜讬讟专, 拽讬砖讜专 诇注诪讜讚 讛爪讬讜抓: 诇讞抓 讻讗谉

住讟讟讜住讬诐 注诇: all, the, but, You, people, say, may, their, dreamer, imagine, business, own, minding

诇讬讚讬注讛: 讗讞专讬讜转 讞诇讛 注诇 讻讜转讘 讛住讟讟讜住, 讗讬谉 讛谞讛诇转 讛讗转专 讗讞专讗讬转 注诇 转讻谞讬诐 讛诪转驻专住诪讬诐 讘讗转专.

住讟讟讜住讬诐 砖讗讜诇讬 转讗讛讘

successful people always have two things on their lips.. Silence & smile…

You are a dreamer, and you are an achiever. May you dream and achieve bigger feats, with every passing year. All the best for the new year. Make Your Christmas Rememberable!

Some people are alive only, because it鈥檚 unlawful to kill them.

诇注讜讚 诪诇讗 住讟讟讜住讬诐

砖讜转驻讬诐 砖诇谞讜: 注讜拽讘讬诐 讘讗讬谞住讟讙专诐, 砖讗诇讜转 讜转砖讜讘讜转, 讚讬讬讟讬诐 讜讛讻专讜讬讜转